Appealing to the Minister of Local Government and Development to Revamp MPS

By Stephen Ng 

I am serious. Minister of Local Government and Development, Nga Kor Ming has to revamp the Selayang Municipal Council since the Selangor State Exco, Ng Sze Han and the local councillor who are supposed to be in charge of the local government have failed to carry out their job. 

     Complaints to the Council President Yazid Sairi, and several department heads have been ignored.

     For three years now, despite complaining to both Menteri Besar Amirudin Shaari, Ng, state assemblyman Elizabeth Wong and former MP of Damansara, Tony Pua, things have not improved.

     It took three years to complain before the Selayang Municipal Council removed a hump that was hitting the bottom of our cars. Both Nga and the newly elected MP, Gobind Singh Deo, along with senior members of the Democratic Action Party are fully aware of the issues. 

     If things continue the way MPS conducts its daily business, it is no wonder why there is so much wastage. 

      In fact, one road sign was moved from a strategic location to an inner road where vistors to Phase 2 of the housing estate would not be able to find the road sign until they have turned into the inner road. 

       At another junction, there are two signages showing Ehsan Jaya Industrial Estate and Taman Ehsan Industrial Estate, with the signboard showing Taman Ehsan Industrial Estate located at the wrong position. A visitor looking for the industrial estate would not be able to find the industrial estate but only houses if he travels further up the road. 

      Instead of doing simple signages, someone in the local council is apparently wasting a lot of public funds doing road signs that are probably more expensive and placing them in locations where they do not serve the purpose. For example, seven of the road signs to Wangsa Permai were placed at all the wrong positions. 

       I have already demonstrated through my blog to both minister and MP how MPS continues to waste a lot of public funds by doing the unnecessary, while neglecting to remedy the problems faced by residents. 

      Traffic congestion has worsened in the past ten years in Desa Aman Puri. The one-way street road system is no longer able to cope with the traffic circulating within the same roads when the roads are supposed to be dispersed. 

     Despite highlighting this to the local authority, the Town Planning Unit continue to turn more areas into one-way streets. Money is wasted by placing up all the road signs to make certain sections of Desa Jaya into one-way traffic when the traffic does not even warrant it. 

     A junction at Jalan Desa 2/1 Aman Puri, for example, has traffic from four directions merging into one bottleneck. This causes the cars to crisscross, and when a bus stops in front, it creates an unnecessary congestion. 

     One-way street at Jalan Wangsa Utama which is only a small stretch of 10 meters has yet to be converted back to two-way and the poles at the security guard house which were highlighted by the Fire and Rescue Services personnel 12 years ago have yet to be removed. 

     Deepening of drains in Aman Puri commercial area has been halted a couple of times. Despite complaints already highlighted to the council, nothing is done. 

     The park within the housing estate is clogging with rainwater and the concrete slabs on the pathway in the park are also broken, making it unsafe for senior citizens. Children's playground has been neglected for several years, despite this writer highlighting the condition of the park to the local council. 

     Several other drains highlighted to the local council and Gobind himself have yet to be repaired. One particular drain was hacked by a backhoe belonging to MPS last year has yet to be repaired. 

     A car wash is operating on public carparks despite my suggestion to relocating them to a more suitable place where they can operate without damaging the tar road. There appears to be selective enforcement by the council and people in authority. 

     Illegal rubbish dump continues to mar the image of the township. 

     I urge once again now in public for the minister to take some more drastic actions especially when council staff continue to be recalcitrant. Once they are replaced by good public servants, we can for once breathe fresh air.

    For over 30 years, I have been dealing with the Selayang Municipal Council since its first President, Kasjoo Kadis. Until today, the council has yet to show improvement in performing a good job, instead, it has gotten from bad to worse, especially in the last two terms when Pakatan Harapan formed the state government. 

Restaurant owner has been complaining about the drain covers. To prevent people from falling into the drain, he has placed metal covers himself over the drain. 

If you are heading from the direction show in the picture, you will be looking in the wrong direction for Taman Perindustrian Taman Ehsan. Why does MPS have to waste so much money designing signages that waste so much cast iron and unable to maintain the paint over the signages?

If you are driving down this road, can you find the signboard hidden somewhere on the left side of the road?

Illegal dump is a feature in areas managed by MPS due to the staff's lack of supervision 

Selective enforcement: Why does MPS not relocate the carwash to a more suitable location. Their excuse is that the car wash workers do not want to relocate. 

Drain damaged by MPS backhoe end of last month has yet to be repaired. If complaints are not made, they will leave this for another 10 years, no?


  1. State Government departments in Selangor have generally improved over the years but we still encounter lots of red tapes and 'little Napoleons' in our dealings with them. I hope the new leadership voted in the coming state election will work harder to improve services; they must understand that they are paid by tax payers to serve the public.

    1. Hopefully. The present state exco has shown is poor performance despite complaints raised to them. You can see for yourself from my pictures -- and many more!


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