Just let the man do his job!


        I find that the toxicity of our Malaysian politics is very unhealthy, and this is going to further destroy the country if people are not being helped; instead the polticking continues like before.

        For many years now, I have been hoping that Barisan Nasional (BN) would rise as a good Opposition that is genuine and worth listening to. 

        Now, BN is in the unity government and we all all willing to help the country to forge ahead under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim, but those aligned to Perikatan Nasional (PN) appear to be more interested in politicking than helping the people. 

A Few Examples to Point Out

        A case in point is when MCA president, Wee Ka Siong is now attacking Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Mohamad Sabu for importing eggs from India to temporarily address the shortage issue. 

        If Wee and his former cabinet colleagues had addressed the issue in the past, the situation would not have become so critical today. 

        Next, we read that the outgoing Attorney-General, Idrus Harun, out of the blue, has suddenly mooted the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Federal Constitution as the authoritative text. He had never mooted the idea in the couple of years since becoming the AG, why only now?

        Everyone knows that the Federal Constitution was written in English, and notwithstanding the status of Bahasa Malaysia, the original text in English is still the authoritative text, just like Hebrew is to the Old Testament, Greek is the New Testament and Arabic is to the Quran. Anything else is just a translation. 

        The next is a classic one. In my opinion, an article's attempt to link an English daily to Anwar is just so unnecessary. When I read the article, I was curious to find out why on earth the editorial staff's complaints are linked to Anwar. Hasn't he been accused of being secret agent of Russia, the US, China, and Israel. 

        In this case, I happen to know the managing editor of the said portal and all it took was just a phone call to find out that he has been in the country since January 3 and the salaries issue has already been dealt with.  

        At a time like this, some delays of salaries is not uncommon. Many companies are, in fact, struggling financially to keep afloat. Other newspapers in the past also encountered similar problems with delay of payment. 

        So a non-issue has been spun into a big issue as if it had any connection with Anwar. 

Enough is Enough

        Those of us who have been long enough observing the political development in the country can immediately see through the spin doctor's attempt to bring down Anwar's administration. 

        More of this can be expected in the next few years, and we just have to be reflect over what we read to know what is happening behind the scene.

        Why can't we just let the man do his job and help the country to turn around instead of wasting so many hours of our lives on attacking each other? Can we come back together as a nation, for the sake of this nation? Have we not seen enough of the country's wealth being plundered? 

        In fact, anything can be spun to insinuate Anwar as being involved. Drug trafficking is linked to Anwar. Anwar is the mastermind behind some human trafficking in the country. What else?

        Didn't we see a fake video circulating around which was proven to be fake by current Dewan Speaker, Johari Abdul who took us to Thailand to show how professional make-up artists can make someone like exactly like another person? Such tactics have been used over the years, and I do not expect it to cease overnight until they can again seize power.

        There is room to criticise Anwar, and I do not treat him like a demi-god. He is human like any of us. If I criticise Anwar or any of his cabinet minister, I want to make sure it is a criticism that is levelled against their lack of performance or failure to address certain issues, especially after numerous attempts to approach them has failed to even get a courtesy response.

        It is not to bring down his adminstration, and certainly not based on some stories spun out to attack the man himself when he is working hard without a salary to solve the country's many woes.

        My criticisms will focus on getting him to address issues which are not being addressed although they are small issues which could be dealt with with just a stroke of the pen.

        However, we also have to bear in mind that the cabinet ministers have their own limitations as well. Because we know they are good, suddenly all of us are volunteering information that we think can help them, but they are overwhelmed by all the input coming in from the mainstream and social media.

  Play Our Role

        Sixty years of problems cannot be solved overnight, and this is why we all have a responsibility to rectify the country's longstanding issues. Some issues are easy to solve, and should not be delayed, giving excuses that the government agency is understaffed.  

        Fior this reason, I am doing my part to try to address a number of issues. 

        Some issues depend on timing. For example, when I learnt that Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Azalina Othman Said is currently working on law reforms, I urged her to consider the stateless problem in Malaysia involving thousands of people, whose can be given a new lease of life once the Federal Constitution is reverted to its original form before January 31, 1962, is passed alongside the other law reforms. 

        Perhaps, at this juncture, I would refere Minister Azalina to the Hansard Report dated 31 Jan 1962 (downloadable from the parliament website) so that she can undertake to give a new lease of life to these literally thousands of stateless people, born and bred in Malaysia.   

        So, for now, let us give Anwar the five years to do his job so that the country can catch up with the rest of the countries in the region. Anwar's visit to Jakarta should show how much the nation has moved forward under a good administration. 


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